Grow your business,

bless your family,

and impact the world

for the Kingdom!

Support, encouragement, training, & community for God's entrepreneurial daughters who want an aligned, solid, and prosperous business built in partnership with God!

Not all of God's daughters are called to entrepreneurship, but for those of us who are...we feel that pull strongly! However, as purpose-driven women we don't want to build just any old business - we want to utilize the unique qualities God designed us with to impact those we are called to serve.

We know that God desires to bless and provide for our family through our work, and we also know that every interaction with those we reach through our business is an opportunity to show them the love and nature of the Lord. Whether our products, services, and messaging are overt in our faith - or we are on a more covert mission - we want to build from a foundation rooted in Kingdom principles, rather than those of the world.

If these things resonate with you, then you're in the right place...and I'm so happy you've found Women of Faithful Purpose! The journey of entrepreneurship can honestly be lonely and frustrating sometimes. It is so much better - more fun, more motivating, and more successful - when we are in community with other Jesus-loving, purpose-driven women! I hope you will join my free community on Facebook!

In addition to my Facebook community, I offer training and coaching for those seeking to connect with God for clarity on their business calling, develop their first offer, grow their reach organically, implement an aligned sales system, and successfully launch their business. I'm also a habitual writer and digital creator (think Bible studies & also planners and goal-setting workbooks), so you will find many resources and products here on the website to help you in your faith-based entrepreneurial journey!

I look forward to connecting with you!

💕 Amy D. Neumann

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Some links may not be active yet.

Join the community!

Support, encouragement, teaching & training - and a great community of likeminded women on the same journey of entrepreneurship from a foundation of dynamic partnership with God! I cover topics of Biblical mindset, developing your communication with the Lord, faith-filled approaches to business, as well as priorities, life & time management, biz systems, organization, etc. The relationships developed here are so special and such a boost to my own entrepreneurial journey . I know you'll love it!

Uplevel your productivity & progress towards your goals!

Tap into the power of community to make progress on your business goals & tasks! This group features twice monthly accountability meet-ups, twice monthly co-working sessions, a private group chat to stay connected between meetings, and an end-of-the-month session to reflect on the month's progress and set goals with God for the next month.

Faith-based business coaching!

Are you ready to put in the work to clarify your business calling, develop your offer, increase your reach, and learn the sales skills to successfully launch your aligned and prosperous business? My coaching is always centered on helping women connect with God and learn to hear his direction for their unique calling more clearly! I love to help people align their mindsets with the Truth of what God says and break off the lies the enemy seeks to utilize to stop them from walking confidently in their purpose. I also have the unique superpower of breaking down tech, systems, tools, and strategies into bite-size pieces and explaining how to use them that empowers the women I coach.

Resources to support & encourage you in your purpose journey & entrepreneurial calling!

I am a habitual writer and digital creator. I love inspiring and encouraging women in their relationship with God, as well as in their entrepreneurial journey! On my resource page you will find both digital downloads (many free!) and physical products. I hope theyl bless you!

Align your priorities and weekly schedule with God's calling!

Download my free workbook that will help you connect with God to clarify your top priorities in this season for your business, and in your life - and then evaluate and recalibrate your weekly schedule to make sure you are creating space to steward well all that the Lord has called you to!

By providing my email address, I understand I will receive this download and also be added to the general Women of Faithful Purpose email list.

Hi, I'm Amy - Let's connect!

Hi, I'm Amy! I am wife to a real rocket scientist and work from home mom to four awesome kids from elementary through post high school. I’m also a book lover, a dark chocolate snob, and a bit of a well as an at-home worship dancer, a journaling enthusiast, an amateur nature photographer, a digital creator, an author, a teacher, a life and business coach, and online business owner.

I have a whole lot of ANDs and carry many roles in life, as I’m sure you do also! Sometimes we feel like the ANDs stretch us to our limits, don’t we? However, God is LIMITLESS! He is all about the AND, and when we learn to hear him more effectively and align our mindsets with his Truth, we learn to live and flow with grace in a beautiful partnership that allows us to find joy and purpose in the ANDs that he has designed us for!

I knew early on that I was called to entrepreneurship as a way to impact and help others, and I always wanted to please God through my work. However, my whole life shifted when I caught the revelation from God that he didn’t really want me to work FOR him, and instead would love for me to work WITH him. In fact, in his eyes my life and business were not two separate things at all. It was all one, all part of my purpose, and he wanted to have conversations with me and do all of it together WITH me! It was an invitation into an amazing journey and totally shifted the way I approach business!

As a Kingdom purpose coach, I am passionate about helping women find clarity in their unique God design, purpose, and business calling; then learn and implement solid business structure, systems and tools... and step into aligned and prosperous entrepreneurship with Him to impact the world for the Kingdom in their own unique way!

My secret sauce lies in combining coaching on Biblical mindset strategies with step by step teaching of business tools, skills, systems & management. I have found that for faith-filled, purpose-driven women, the things that the enemy uses most to halt our progress and keep us from stepping into all that God calls us to are fear and faulty mindsets/beliefs about who we are and what we are (or aren't) capable of. We can learn all the business skills in the world, design beautiful graphics, have awesome funnels in place, etc...but we won't get far if we do not connect with God and allow him to help us align with who HE says we are and what we are capable of!

I would love to support you in your purpose!

Email me at [email protected], or send me a DM via Messenger (

FB & IG: @women_of_faithful_purpose

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